


I am inspired by the natural world and by the amazing beauty that Mother Nature seemingly effortlessly produces in all things.  I try to capture that in my paintings, whether it's the reflection in the eye of a hare or the relentless power and movement of the sea.  I want people to look at my paintings and see nature as I do and to share my love of it.  

This year (2025) I am delighted to have been invited to become a member of the Association of Animal Artists.


Je suis inspirée par le monde naturel et par l'incroyable beauté que Mère Nature produit apparemment sans effort dans toutes les choses. J'essaie de capturer cette beauté dans mes peintures, qu'il s'agisse du reflet dans l'œil d'un lièvre ou du mouvement implacable et de la puissance de la mer. Je veux que les gens regardent mes peintures et voient la nature comme je la vois, en partageant mon amour pour elle.

Cette année (2025), je suis ravi d'avoir été invité à devenir membre de l'Association des artistes animaux.



Honours and Awards



"Brown Hare"  Fusion Art "Into The Wild" International Juried Exhibition Finalist

"The Meeting"   Teravana 7th Annual Juried Water Art competition "Honourable Mention"


"Plerin Beach" United Kingdom Coloured Pencil Society (UKCPS) Juried Exhibition "Between The Lines" 

"Speckled Wood Butterfly"  Teravarna 3rd Annual Juried Nature Art Competition "4th Prize, Talent Award"  

"Speckled Wood Butterfly" Published in Issue 4 "Masterful Minds Artists to Watch in 2024"  Magazine  

"Brown Hare"  Teravarna 10th Annual Animal Juried Competition "Honourable Mention"

"Brown Hare" Published in Issue 4 "Masterful Minds Artists to Watch in 2024"  Magazine  

"Les Rosaires" Published in Issue 38 "Spotlight" Contemporary Art Magazine

"Les Rosaires" Light, Space and Time Annual Seascapes Competition "Special Merit"

"Sunseeker" Light, Space and Time Annual Seascapes Competition "Specially Recognised"  


"Lemons" Light, Space and Time Annual Primary Colours Competition "Specially Recognised"


"8 Bottles" Published Anne Kullberg's Art Showcase

"8 Bottles" Published "Talking Point" Magazine of the UK Coloured Pencil Society 

"Apple Blossom" Published Anne Kullberg's Art Showcase

Certificate in Coloured Pencils (Merit) London Art College

"Manu's Tracteur" Published "Talking Point" Magazine of the UK Coloured Pencil Society

"Autumn's Bounty" Derwent Procolour Competition - Runner up


"Buzzard" Light, Space and Time Annual Animal Art Competion -"Special Merit"

"The Art of Marmite" Bramshott and Liphook Arts and Crafts Society - Certificate of Excellence


"GT" Light, Space and Time Annual Animal Art Competition - "Specially Recognised" 












e-mail [email protected] or call 07726 334831